Posted: April 12, 2014 - 1:01am
Updated: April 12, 2014 - 2:26pm
Photo courtesy: Britt Nelson
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Firefighters from three area departments worked to extinguish a house fire early Saturday.
Emergency crews were called to the home in the 5500 block of Roundtree Street around 12:50 a.m.
Police were first on the scene and reported heavy fire from the garage of the home.
The residents of the home, two adults and a child, were able to escape the burning home uninjured.
Fire crews knocked down most of the fire from the outside, before making their way inside to check for and extinguish additional fire.
The fire was reported under control around 1:10 a.m. and out at 1:40 a.m..
Shawnee fire marshal Corey Sands says the resident had recently stained the home's deck and placed the oil soaked rags in the trash can in the garage. The fire was caused by spontaneous combustion of those oily rags.
Firefighters from the Lenexa Fire Department and Olathe Fire Department assisted on the initial call.
Firefighters returned to extinguish hot spots around 9 a.m..
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Operation 100 News- Mike Frizzell |
Shawnee firefighters returned to the home around 9 a.m. to extinguish a few hot spots which had flared up in the garage. Those flames were spotted by a construction crew that was working to board up the home's damaged windows.
Damage is estimated at $250,000.
Photo courtesy: Britt Nelson
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Photo courtesy: Britt Nelson
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Operation 100 News - Mike Frizzell
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Daylight shows the extent of the damage to the back of the home.
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Operation 100 News- Mike Frizzell |
Daylight shows the extent of the damage to the back of the home.
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Operation 100 News- Mike Frizzell |
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