Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Olathe Police conduct alcohol compliance checks

Posted: April 2, 2013 - 12:56am
Updated: April 2, 2013 - 1:33am

On Friday, March 29th, members of the Olathe Police Department's School Resource Officer Unit conducted alcohol compliance checks throughout the city of Olathe.

The checks focused on businesses that sell alcohol. The purpose of the operation was to insure that these businesses are checking customer's identification and not selling alcohol to under-aged individuals.

Officers checked 59 businesses, 54 of which complied by asking for identification. The five businesses that did not comply were cited for Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor and given municipal court dates.

Olathe Police Chief Steven Menke says "This is just a part of the police department's continuing effort to prevent under-aged drinking and insure that businesses that sell alcohol are doing their part to keep our community safe."

A statement release about the checks says that while the high number of compliant businesses is encouraging, it is the continued goal of the Olathe Police Department to attain 100% compliance throughout the city. Police will continue to routinely conduct compliance checks throughout the upcoming year.

Olathe Police also conducted a DUI check lane March 29th. Results of that check lane can be found here.

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