Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Survey Results

Over the past month, Operation 100 News asked our followers to complete a short survey to help us better serve you the public. That came to an end today and the results are in.

Question #1

Operation 100 is currently ran by 1 person.

Question #2

You the follower have asked for All of these Fire/Rescue events to be receive a notification.

Question #3

You the follower have asked for All of these Police events to be receive a notification.

Question #4

You the follower have asked for All of these Weather events to be receive a notification.

Question #5

The majority of our followers receive Operation 100 notifications using

Question #6

Our followers would prefer to receive notifications using Text Messages with Mobile Web and Web Syndication not to far behind.

Question #7

Followers are nearly split about Only wanting updates with Important Information or Constant Updates.

Question #8

Question #9

Most of those surveyed have shown that they are not willing to subscribe should Operation 100 become a Subscription Service. More then half of those surveyed did show a willingness to donate to help keep Operation 100 a free service or were willing to subscribe should it become a paid service.

Donations can be made at any time through, our address is Paypal is the easiest way to donate and is Fast & Secure. If you are unable to donate using Paypal please email with your preferred method to donate.

Operation 100 News will be using these results and any donations made, to better serve you the follower. Currently this is a full time effort of one person and is funded with personal funds. Any donations made will be used for the benefit of Operation 100 News for expenses (Digital Scanners, Office Equipment and Supplies).

As always thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact

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