Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Twitter Feature

Operation 100 News is now using to provide current Weather Watches, Warnings and Advisories as they are issued by the National Weather Service. This will only include Douglas County and Johnson County.

Twitterfeed will check for updates to the National Weather Service RSS Feed every 30 minutes. When there has been a new Watch, Warning or Advisory issued, that information will then be posted directly to This allows Operation 100 to keep you informed of the latest weather situations, even outside of our normal hours of operation.

PLEASE NOTE: As this system will only check for updates every 30 minutes it is not intended to be your only method of notification of possible life threatening weather situations. For example should there be a Tornado Warning issued even one minute after the system has checked for updates, that Tornado Warning will not be posted until the next check for updates 29 minutes later, if the warning remains in effect at that time.

Other methods of notification on Twitter include;
Douglas County Emergency Management: On Twitter-
Johnson County Emergency Management: On Twitter-

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