Friday, February 18, 2011

Status Update

Posted: February 18, 2011 - 10:44pm
Updated: January 22, 2013 - 8:26am

Operation 100 News has been providing the latest real time breaking news since joining Twitter on July 19, 2009. Twitter has become the only place to find real time reports from Operation 100 News since February 1, 2011 after discontinuing posting real time updates to the Facebook page.

As of February 1, 2011, Tweets have also been protected and users found to be in violation of our Terms of Service have been blocked. Users that were found to still be using content posted by Operation 100 News as their own have then been reported to Twitter. However the violations have not ended. Twitter has shown that they are not willing to insure the security of tweets from protected users on their site.

At this point Operation 100 News is remaining on Twitter alone. I continue to explore our options which may include becoming a paid subscription service only.

Anyone with further suggestions on how to protect content posted by Operation 100 News is asked to send an email with your suggestion to

Facebook does not currently provide any security of content posted on pages. Many users have expressed their interest in seeing Operation 100 return to posting real time content to the Facebook page. At this time, Facebook is not an option because of their lack of post security.

The issue that has brought all of this about deals with users that are taking Operation 100 News posts, reordering a few words, and then posting this as their own original content. This is unacceptable. My loyal followers have been great about reporting users that are doing this and I encourage anyone that sees @Operation100 content posted elsewhere to send me an email with the information. All users found to be in violation may be contacted directly by Operation 100 News or may be blocked without notice.

As a result of these changes, four users and all un-contracted news media has been blocked. One of these users was reported to Twitter after attempting to sell content derived from @Operation100's tweets. After dealing with Twitter Support for two weeks and no results, Twitter closed the case as unresolved. This obviously is not the outcome that Operation 100 was looking for.

I have been advised by an Attorney to not discuss this issue beyond what is stated above, as it still is an open investigation at this time.

Operation 100 News encourages the use of Re-Tweets. Users who choose to repost Operation 100 content without using a Re-tweet are asked to include @Operation100 in their posts so that credit is given back to the original source. I do not feel that this is asking too much of any of Twitter users. How to re-tweet @Operation100 content.

Operation 100 News official Twitter accounts are @Operation100 and @Op100News. Currently no one has been granted any special permission to use our posts as they are posted, without giving credit back to @Operation100.

I strive to provide immediate Breaking News updates as the situation is unfolding, not minutes later like the others or after all the dust has settled like other local media outlets.

It matters to you when it is happening and that is what matters to me.

Again, Operation 100 News can be contacted by Email at

As always thank you for your continued support.

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