Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Elementary student reports possible stranger danger

Posted: December 18, 2018 - 12:31 p.m.

A Lenexa elementary student reported a possible case of stranger danger to school officials Monday morning.

Mill Creek Elementary School Principal Michelle Lord sent a message to parents on Monday informing them of the reported incident. Mill Creek Elementary is located in the 13900 block of West 79th Street.

"A student on the way to school this morning was approached by an individual in a gray Jeep," Principal Lord said in the message to parents. "The driver waved at the student to get in the vehicle."

Principal Lord said that the student did not engage with the driver, continued on his way to school, and told an adult what happened.

Lenexa Police say the driver of the Jeep was possibly waving to let the student know that he could cross the street since this occurred at an intersection.

Master Police Officer Danny Chavez says police are handling this as a suspicious activity incident and they do not consider the driver of the Jeep to be a suspect.

"For the same reason, we are not issuing any kind of 'attempt to locate' on the vehicle," Ofc. Chavez said. "The Shawnee Mission School District Police was also made aware of this incident."

Principal Lord asks that students and parents remain vigilant and report any person who may be acting in a strange manner.

"We need to encourage students to remember: 'if you see something, says something'," Principal Lord said in her message.

Officer Chavez adds, "Children should be reminded of the three basic rules with strangers: don't talk to them, don't take anything from them, don't go with them."

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