Thursday, July 9, 2015

VIDEO- Man found dead in car after officers hear a gunshot

Posted: July 9, 2015 - 4:24am
Updated: July 9, 2015 - 7:22am

Lenexa Police investigating near 87th Street Parkway & Long Street
Operation 100 News - Mike Frizzell photo
Lenexa Police are investigating after a man died from a gunshot wound early Thursday morning.

The incident occurred on the south side of 87th Street Parkway and Long Street, just across the street from Lenexa Police Department headquarters.

A black 2013 Ford Focus with Missouri license plates was stopped just south of the intersection with the driver's door open.

A yellow tarp was draped over the car's interior.

Operation 100 News video - Not for broadcast

At 1:19 a.m. an officer called out "shots fired" over the radio.

Master Police Officer Dan Friesen says, "a two-officer unit on patrol saw a black Ford Focus sitting in the middle of the road on Long Street, just south of 87th Street Parkway. When officers pulled up behind the vehicle they heard a single gunshot."

Three K-9 officers and numerous other officers standing at the scene
Operation 100 News - Mike Frizzell photo 
Johnson County Med-Act responded to the scene and pronounced the man dead at the scene.

Police have identified the him as a 31-year-old from Kansas City, Missouri. Police have released his name, however Operation 100 News is choosing not to release it.

Friesen says, "there were no shots fired by officers and they had not contacted the man previously."

MPO Friesen has confirmed to Operation 100 News that prior to officers arriving, the Ford Focus had collided with a median at 87th Street Parkway and Rosehill Road. The vehicle ran over a median sign and left behind several large pieces of bumper and a fender well.

Police had the eastbound lanes of 87th Street Parkway closed at Rosehill Road for about 90 minutes.

Operation 100 News was at this scene for approximately an hour this morning, attempting to speak with officers at the scene and was told that no one was available to share any information.

Friesen says "typically officers on scene do not release information to media in order to avoid conflicting information being given or providing information that could compromise an investigation."

Had Operation 100 News simply been informed that this was a suspected suicide, there would not have been any reason to proceed with a report.

Operation 100 News does not typically report suicides, however as this one occurred just across the street from the Lenexa Police headquarters, in front of officers, and along busy 87th Street Parkway it is being reported.

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