Friday, March 13, 2015

Woman arrested after crashing car into mailboxes and house

Posted: March 13, 2015 - 5:06am

A man who lives in the damaged home assesses the damage with police
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Shawnee Police say they arrested a woman for driving under the influence after she crashed her car early Friday.

Officers were called to an address in the 7300 block of Charles Street around 1:15 a.m. by a homeowner who reported a car had crashed into his home's garage.

Damage to the home appeared to be contained to a garage door and one exterior wall. Officers could be seen photographing an exterior wall that was bowed out slightly, on the side of the garage.

Officers used tape to make a line on the pavement for the field sobriety tests
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An officer at the scene confirmed that two mailboxes were damaged in the 7400 block of Charles and then the garage door of the home in the 7300 block was struck by the same vehicle. The driver remained at the scene and was not injured. The officer said he could not provide any other information.

The woman was driving northbound on Charles Street. Both of the mailboxes and the home are on the east side of the street.

An officer surveys the damage mailboxes for his report
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Officers could be seen performing field sobriety tests on the female driver before putting her in handcuffs and then into the back of a patrol vehicle.

The woman was transported to Shawnee Police headquarters for booking. As of this report, she has not been booked into the county jail.

Operation 100 News requested to speak with a sergeant who was at the scene for a few questions. The sergeant left the scene without offering any comment.

The woman could be seen hopping as she tried to maintain her balance on one foot
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Three officers and a sergeant place the woman in handcuffs after completing the field sobriety tests
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The woman talks to an officer from the backseat of a patrol vehicle
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A tow truck operator removes the suspect vehicle from the home's driveway
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After striking two mailboxes, the car came continued north, where it struck a house. The damaged home is in front of the police vehicle in this image.
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