Sunday, December 30, 2012

Seven animals survive OP house fire, one firefighter sustains minor injury

Posted: December 30, 2012 - 2:53pm
Updated: January 2, 2013 - 5:01am


On Monday Operation 100 News was contacted by one of the residents of the home damaged in this fire. Aaron Kalmer tells me that three cats died in the fire. Two dogs and five reptiles all survived and are "doing great." Kalmer says the reptiles include two snakes and three bearded dragons.

Original report:

Emergency crews in Overland Park were called to a possible house fire at 7542 Hardy Street just before 2:20 Sunday afternoon.

Overland Park Police arrived at the scene to find the doors to the home locked with dogs barking inside. Officers forced the front door open to attempt to rescue the animals. At least one dog was rescued by officers. The number and status of other pets inside the home was not immediately clear. Police dispatchers informed officers of special use permits to the address for snakes and possibly other reptiles.

Firefighters arrived to report smoke visible from the roof of the single story, ranch style home. Investigation led crews to the attic where they found the majority of the fire to be.

One firefighter was treated at the scene by Johnson County Med-Act after he was exposed to high heat conditions. After being assessed, the firefighter refused further medical treatment and returned to work.

Firefighters were forced to evacuate the structure at one point by heavy smoke and high heat conditions. After about 12 minutes, enough smoke had dissipated and crews were allowed to reenter the structure.

The Merriam Fire Department assisted Overland Park Fire crews on the fire scene.

The fire was declared under control at 3:18 p.m.. The cause of the fire remains under investigation and a damage estimate was not immediately available.

Stay with Operation 100 News on this blog and on Twitter for the latest details as they become available. Remember where you heard this news first, Operation 100 News, reporting the news to the public as it breaks.

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