Monday, March 12, 2012

Severe Weather Awareness Week 2012

Posted: March 12, 2012 - 3:40am
Updated: March 13, 2012 - 7:00am

In 2011 there were 68 tornadoes in Kansas, three people were killed and seven others injured. The first tornado  of the 2011 season was an EF0 on February 27th in Cowley county and the last of the year was and EF1 on October 8th in Haskell county.

March 12-16, 2012 is this year's Severe Weather Awareness Week in Kansas, conducted by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management and local emergency management agencies throughout the state. The National Weather Service says, the 2012 severe weather season has already become quite active across the country so it is imperative you prepare now. Severe Weather Awareness Week is a week when the public is encouraged to review their severe weather safety plans.

  • Monday, March 12th is "Preparedness Day." The National Weather Service suggest three simple steps to complete. First, Identify the severe weather hazards you may face. Second, Set up your plan. Third, Practice your plan. More information on these three steps
  • Tuesday, March 13th is "Tornadoes Day." Emergency Management agencies throughout Kansas will be taking part in a Tornado Safety Drill at 1:30 p.m. local time. Outdoor warning sirens will sound and the public, including schools and businesses, are encouraged to put their tornado safety plans into action as if there was a tornado warning issued. More information on Tornado Safety.
  • Wednesday, March 14th is "Flash Flood Day." In the past 10 years, flooding has accounted for 14 deaths and $41 million in damages in Kansas alone. "Turn around, Don't Drown!" More information on Flood Safety.
  • Thursday, March 15th is "Thunderstorm Day." All severe thunderstorms have the potential to produce damaging winds and large hail. Winds and hail can and do severely damage property every year in Kansas. More information on Hail and Damaging Winds.
  • Friday, March 16th is "NOAA Weather Radio Day." Outdoor warning sirens are intended to provide tornado warnings only for those who are outdoors. Outdoor sirens may not wake you in the night and alert you of approaching severe weather. A NOAA Weather Radio can alert you to severe storms. NOAA Weather Radios are received from the National Weather Service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee (MEMC) partnered with Midland Radio and Price Chopper, launched Project Community Alert (PCA) in 2002, to offer NOAA All-Hazard Weather Radio Receivers to the public at-cost. More information on NOAA Weather Radios and Project Community Alert.
2011 Tornadoes by county
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NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio Stations throughout Kansas
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Outdoor Warning Siren locations and coverage areas in Johnson County
Click to view full size

All information provided by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, Kansas Emergency Management Association, National Weather Service office in Pleasant Hill, Missouri. 2012 Severe Weather Awareness packet

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