Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mission DUI Checkpoint, October 28th

Posted: October 15, 2011 - 10:40am

The Mission Police announced that they will be conducting a DUI Checkpoint next weekend somewhere in the city.

Police say the checkpoint will be in place from Friday evening, October 28th and remain in place into the early morning hours of Saturday.

A statement released by police states "The effectiveness of sobriety checkpoints lies not only in the fear of being arrested, but also in the number of people who plan in advance to take cabs home after drinking."

Police also go on to say "drivers determined to be impaired would be arrested."

The location of such checkpoints are not disclosed by Police or Operation 100 News in advance. Operation 100 News also does not report the location of ongoing checkpoint operations.

All information provided by the Mission Police Department and the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.

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