Friday, October 7, 2011

BURN BAN announced for Shawnee

Posted: October 7, 2011 - 2:50pm
Updated: October 29, 2011 - 5:56am

The city of Shawnee has announced a burn ban and reminds citizens of the extremely dry conditions in the area.

The burn ban is effective immediately and bans all outdoor burning, regardless of if a permit has been previously issued. Residents that already hold burn permits are asked to contact the Fire Department at (913) 631-1080 to make arrangements to use the permits once the ban is lifted. The Fire Department will continue to monitor conditions and will resume issuing burn permits as soon as safe burning weather conditions will allow.

Citizens are also reminded to carefully discard smoking materials during this ban and cautioned against allowing vehicles to run while parked in grassy areas as both can ignite fires. Charcoal and other grills should be carefully monitored to insure that these fires remain contained to the grill.

"Simple precautions can help prevent fires from occurring withing our community and keep everyone safe," says Acting Fire Chief John Mattox in a statement released this afternoon.

Related Story:
Johnson County Burn Bans

Attention News Media LINK

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