Thursday, September 29, 2011

Douglas County K-10 Resurfacing Project set to begin

The Kansas Department of Transportation has announced that the previously scheduled and then delayed K-10 resurfacing project will begin on Monday, October 3rd at 9 a.m. This same project was originally slated to begin on September 21st but was delayed indefinately. KDOT cites "scheduling conflicts" as the reason for the delayed start date.

The project  will cover an 8.5-mile stretch of K-10 from the east city limits of Lawrence to the Douglas/Johnson County Line. Crews will work round the clock with the majority of the work completed during the overnight hours, seven days a week. No work will take place during peak travel times on K-10, between 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m., Monday through Friday. There will also be no work completed on all University of Kansas home football game days.

KDOT says that eastbound and westbound K-10 will be reduced to one lane during work hours on the project. Work will also take place on adjacent interchange ramps, only one set of ramps will close at a time. Traffic will be directed through the work zone using signage. Drivers should expect delays and are encouraged to use alternate routes as possible. A 55 MPH speed limit will be posted along with a 14-foot lane width restriction throughout the project work zone during working hours.

Project work will include: pavement repair and resurfacing on all mainline lanes, pavement of shoulders (10-foot outside shoulders and 6-foot inside/median shoulders when completed) and installation of edgeline rumble strips on both inside (median) and outside shoulders. KDOT says the project will smooth the road and fill surface defects that can shorten pavement life.

Hamm Construction of Perry, Kansas is the primary contractor on the $4.3 million resurfacing project. The project is scheduled to be completed by early November 2011, weather permitting. Funding is being provided by T-WORKS, the transportation program passed by the Kansas Legislature in May 2010.

Previous Story:
KDOT: Construction on K-10 suspended until further notice

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