Saturday, October 1, 2011

October is Fire Prevention Month

Posted: October 1, 2011 - 6:00am

The American Red Cross and local Fire Departments across the area are reminding the public that October is Fire Prevention Month and encouraging everyone to take steps to lessen the risk of a fire in their home.

The National Fire Protection Association says there are between 350,000 and 400,000 house fires in the United States every year. Making house fires a larger threat to families than floods.

The American Red Cross encourages people to remember two key fire safety steps: installing smoke alarms and developing a fire escape plan.

It is recommended that each and every smoke alarm in a residence is checked, by pushing the test button, at least once a month and replacing the batteries every year, or as needed. Fire escape plans should include at least two escape routes from every room in the home and a convenient meeting place at a safe distance from the home. This escape plan should be practiced at least twice a year and revised as necessary. Families are reminded to pay particular attention to developing and regularly practicing escape plans for children and older adults.

Additional recommendations include:

  • Keeping matches and lighters away from and out of the reach of children.
  • Don't leave the kitchen or especially your home while you're frying, grilling or broiling food.
  • Once you are out, stay out! Call the fire department from a neighbor's home.
All information provided by the American Red Cross

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